Friday, September 15, 2006

Dr Visit Today

We saw the Neurologist today. He listened to me describe Randy's accident and give short detail of what has transpired since, listened to me describe what happened Sept 5th, watched Randy walk a bit, then tested his reflexes. Based on that alone, he decided that Randy had a seizure and should be on seizure medication. He even said that he thinks Randy will need the medication the rest of his life. Because Randy has been having a lot of pain in the back of his head, he gave us a drug called Lyrica. He plans to schedule an EEG, but still prescribed the medication without it.

I definitely don't want to experience another episode, but am leary of starting this medication without doing some testing for seizure activity through the EEG. I also wouldn't mind getting a second opinion. The episode seemed like a seizure to me, but I have a hard time medicating without more definite testing.

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