Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Outpatient therapy

Throughout the day, Randy worked on reading his book for the class that he is taking. One of the first assignments for the class was to post an introduction to the discussion board so you can kind of get to know the other people taking the class. This was Randy's introduction:

"Hello everyone, This is my first class back to Green River since I graduated over a year ago at GRCC with my Associates degree. I have been working through an online program in Technical Management at Embry Riddle. I have also worked as a project manager in process engineering for the last 6 years. In June, a 2 ton truck totaled my car and I landed in a coma for 14 days and the hospital for two months because of a TBI. It’s been a long struggle to recover to a more “normal” life. This is my first try back to school since returning home. In addition to learning, I chose the course to prove to myself that I still remember aspects of being a project manager after the brain injury from th wreck."

Aside from the class stuff, Randy also went to his evaluations for occupational and physical therapy at Valley Medical. I didn't get to go, but his mom took great notes!

For occupational therapy, she tested how high he can lift each arm and the degree to which he could turn each arm over. She also tested strength on each side to get a baseline. She also had him put pegs into a peg board and then put them back into a dish with each hand. She asked him questions to get a feel for how he was doing with various tasks such as showing, grooming, cleaning, getting dressed (he has been having some issues with putting things on backwards lately) and she talked about working on some cooking (Randy did most of the cooking before the accident). She also said they have a driving simulator so he can start working on driving without having to be behind the wheel of an actual car.

For physical therapy, she had him hold his hands on his thighs while in a sitting position and tur both of his hands over at the same time. She also had him tap both feet at the same time. She advised that we check with the neurologist about the shakiness that Randy feels in his head and his body. It is something that comes and goes. He will be sitting there and all of a sudden his head just starts shaking.

We will be going to the neurologist on Monday.


HeatherD said...

Oh, Randy - your introduction for your class is AWESOME!! You are persevering and it is just so great that you are able to do this class - even reading, which I can't imagine with eye issues - you just keep getting better and better. We at work are all so proud of you!

Anonymous said...

I don’t think I have any family members that will “let” me ride a bike again. I rode my brother’s 1000 around the black about a year ago, it was fun, but the power made me a little nervous. I’ll advocate cars with high safety ratings, for me, family. and friends.

I rode to Everett a couple of times (because of being allowed in the HOV lane anda guaranteed parking spot). the tripmade for a stressful ride to Everett. I’ll accept the loss of not making a chopper later in my sometime. I’ll get back to flying as soon it’s feasible and my eyesight won’t make me unsafe.

Thanks everyone, Randy