Saturday, September 23, 2006

Updates from the lawyer and other stuff

Before I go into our day, I have to take the time to brag about our kid. We just got the WASL test results back from the end of last year and Cass passed all three sections. She exceeded the standards in both Reading and Math, and she met the state standards in Writing. Her scores were above the average for her school, the district and the state in all three areas. We have a smart kid!

Okay, so for our day:

The attorney came by today to meet Randy. He is a very nice man. He said that he sent letters to the driver of the Taurus (the one that started the chain reaction), to the driver of the truck that hit Randy, and to the company that owns the truck that hit Randy. The Taurus guy got the letter (it was certified), but has not responded to anything sent by our attorney, our car insurance, or to the officer who was at the scene. The company who owns the truck that hit Randy did respond. Their insurance sent us a letter saying that per their investigation the sole liability should be with the Taurus. So our next step is to file a suit. We were warned that it is a very long process. Once we file, the date they set for trail will be at the minimum 18 months away. The only legality we have to stand on is the fact that the truck shouldn't have been in the HOV lane due to its weight. The HOV lane has a limit of 10,000 pounds. The truck was 11,000 pounds. If Randy has even a 1% fault in this, we would have no chance of collecting anything from the company due to contributory negligence. However, since Randy has absolutely no fault, we only need to show that the truck was at least 1% at fault and then they would be responsible to pay for everything.

So that is where we are at with the legal side of all of this. We will start the process of the suit and in a couple of years, we will see how it all comes out.

As for the rest of the day, we have had "one of those days"! The freezer side of our fridge has decided not to work anymore. Of course, it decides to do this just a few months after the warranty expires! Sears came out and checked on it today and decided that a part needed to be ordered. It should be fixed by next Friday. Our neighbors are letting us store things in their freezer for the time being. Then my car has decided to have issues ~ something is going on with the coolant. Shortly after the accident, I got a message saying that I needed to fill the coolant level. Someone filled it for me. Then a month later, I got the message again and when someone checked it for me, it was definitely low again. He filled it up and now I am getting the message again. I scheduled it to be looked at. Normally, Randy takes care of all of the car stuff since my knowledge with cars is very limited. When scheduling the appointment, the guy was asking me a bunch of questions and I sounded like an idiot trying to answer them! But I did get it scheduled.

Oh, one thing that I wanted to mention today is that, through the attorney, we found out a little bit more of what happened around the time of the accident. After Randy was hit, there was a lady travelling north on I-405. She saw the accident and pulled over and jumped over to the barrier to get to Randy. She was a trauma nurse. She was the first one to reach Randy. She sat him up and helped him breath. She saved his life. All I know is her name ~ Christine Thompson ~ and that she is going to or has moved to Colorado to be around family. I hope one day to meet her and thank her.

I think that is it for the updates.

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