Monday, September 18, 2006

Randy's Monday

Randy's speech therapist is finally back from vacation so she came to meet Randy today and do her evaluation. She reviewed the planner that he has been keeping and asked him his goals. It was pretty much just a time for her to see where he was at and where he was wanting to go. She commended him for using the Franklin Covey planner system, but her recommendation was a PDA. He likes his planner, though.

I talked to his physical therapist for a bit today. She said it is time for her to discharge him and he needs to start outpatient therapy. I left a message for his Primary Care doctor to get the orders for that so we can get started. The therapist said that technically, she should have discharged him awhile ago since we have been taking him out and he does well with it.

1 comment:

HeatherD said...

Hey Rachel & Randy! SO, Randy - you are going "back to school"? Just a reminder - Boeing has a great plan for paying for these kinds of classes, if you didn't already check into it. It is their tuition reimbursement plan. Randy, you may want to call Astrida or your HR Representative to get that set up?
Oh, Rachel, I hear you on the seizure medication. Sure, it is scary to think he may have another seizure. Some people have one in the entire lives - no known cause.
Be shopping for that second opinion, and possible replacement neorologist!! Your intuition is so good!!!
Randy - you keep up the good work on using your left hand. Typing skills may be something that helps - and I'm sure sweeping does!!!
Have a peaceful day :)