Friday, September 22, 2006

It's Friday!

This week seemed really long to me. I am glad Friday is finally here!

Randy had occupational therapy today. The therapist worked on stretching his left side. The therapist wanted him to schedule a time each day to journalize what has happened throughout the day. When I asked him tonight if he was going to do that he responded that he wasn't quite ready to yet. When he was in Good Sam, he was working really hard to trying to get better because he wanted to be home. Then, when we first got home, he seemed driven so that he could return to work. Now, he seems to be falling into "I will get around to it later" mode. I did my "you are only get to get better if you do the work" speech and the "it is all up to you how quickly and how fully you recover" speech, but it seemed to fall on deaf ears tonight. I am hoping that getting him into outpatient therapy will revitalize his drive to get better.

I set up his evaluations for physical and occupational therapy with Valley Medical for next Wednesday. It will be along day for him. Each evaluation is an hour long and they are back to back.

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