Friday, September 29, 2006

Tonight was nice

We have a working fridge and freezer! Sears showed up today and spent a few hours working on things and now the freezer is freezing and the fridge is keeping things cold. The ice and water thing aren't quite working yet. We have to buy a hose for the water thingy (our friend Jon is going to help Randy with getting that tomorrow since I am a little clueless on this stuff ~ hence the words "water thingy").

Tonight was great. We went out to dinner with Jon and Kelli and their friend Jeanette. Randy had a great time. We both did. But it was great to see him out and about and laughing and having a good time being around people. It was funny, at dinner "Nero" came up and Randy had something to do with it in the back of his mind but couldn't quite bring it out. The conversation went on and then awhile later, without any warning, Randy switched right back to that conversation and commented that Nero had something to do with a role playing game and that was what he had been trying to come up with earlier. He did it in his very Randy way. Even before the accident, he would keep things like that in the back of his mind until he figured it out. It was how his mind worked. It just seems more pronounced now. He seems more "one-track" minded now. He did great, though, being out tonight and keeping up conversations with everyone. Much improved!

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